
Chipotle Packaging

Packaging  |  Illustration  |  Hand Lettering  

Chipotle strives to deliver innovative marketing programs that nod to the brand philosophy of "Cultivating a Better World". Packaging is one of our most powerful tool to engage with customers and tell the Chipotle's story about who we are and why we're different in entertaining, approachable, non-preachy way.

 Over the years, it became our "tradition" to do something outright weird to remind ourselves to not take things so seriously, and to have a little fun with our audience. For this round of packaging campaign, we shared the story of how we sustainably

Over the years, it became our "tradition" to do something outright weird to remind ourselves to not take things so seriously, and to have a little fun with our audience. For this round of packaging campaign, we shared the story of how we sustainably raise our pigs––in pig latin!

 And people loved it (maybe a little confused too).

And people loved it (maybe a little confused too).
