
New Menu Campaigns

Marketing Campaign  |  Photography  |  Art direction  |  Advertising

Chipotle had the same menu for 20+ years, so when we decided to roll out new menus, it was a huge deal. Menu rollout has various touch points including in-restaurant marketing, different forms of advertisement, field marketing, website assets, etc. It involves strategic thinking around how to make it cohesive, yet different enough throughout individual touch points in order to introduce our new menu to the public in the most successful way.

 #Foodporn is a must. For our queso rollout, we took more than a dozen shots of the queso, including two gif animations.

#Foodporn is a must. For our queso rollout, we took more than a dozen shots of the queso, including two gif animations.

 Window graphics are effective ways to advertise towards the walking crowd. Rather than adding photos and colors to the window graphics like many typical fast-food restaurants do, I designed the type lock up that is simple, yet graphic and attention-

Window graphics are effective ways to advertise towards the walking crowd. Rather than adding photos and colors to the window graphics like many typical fast-food restaurants do, I designed the type lock up that is simple, yet graphic and attention-grabbing.

 We also created various social media campaign assets that are uniquely different on each social platform, from Facebook carousel to Instastories.

We also created various social media campaign assets that are uniquely different on each social platform, from Facebook carousel to Instastories.

 Before queso, there was chorizo.

Before queso, there was chorizo.
