

User Experience Design  |  User Interface Design

U-Report is a mobile phone, text-based service designed to give young people a chance to voice their opinions on issues they care about in their communities, participate in citizen-led development, and create positive change.

U-Report was technologically mature enough for upscaling on a global level; however, it urgently needed to revitalize its web product and brand identity. I was hired on the project as a UX/UI lead to come up with a website system that is expandable and sustainable to support 40+ countries and accommodate multiple users with different needs. 

 U-Report was successfully launched and presented at the UN General Assembly in 2014. The redesign led to a successful scale-up and helped UReport expand from 6 to 42 countries. It’s now reached 4.7MM users (as of 2017), and is still growing.   visit

U-Report was successfully launched and presented at the UN General Assembly in 2014. The redesign led to a successful scale-up and helped UReport expand from 6 to 42 countries. It’s now reached 4.7MM users (as of 2017), and is still growing.

visit ureport.in to experience it live.